Selling your business can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. You’ve spent blood, sweat and tears over the years to build up your business to the point where you are now ready to cash in and take a well-earned break, switch your business direction or move onto the next chapter in your life.
This is where we come in. Having an effective business broker in your corner will pay dividends over the course of a sale negotiation. We work with your best interests at heart and having been there ourselves we understand what an undertaking this can be.
There are many varying factors to a business value, which is why it is always best to arrange a full market appraisal, but the below can be used as a guide:
Annual Net Profit x Market Multiple +/- Assets and Liabilities = Your Valuation
There are many variables to this, and this should only be looked at as a guide. Factors, such as local reputation, repeat business and on-going trade contracts can alter the valuation, which is why we recommend arranging a free-market appraisal to establish your circumstances so we can advise you accordingly.
Our No Sale, No Fee structure ensures you are only paying us for results.
Every business is different; therefore, we do not operate a one size fits all approach by tailoring your marketing strategy around you and your business based on your time frame, buyer requirements and deal structure required. We market on a confidential basis with teaser marketing materials and qualify buyers with sellers before any further marketing information is disclosed however if you prefer, we can market without confidentiality.
We don’t simply list your business; we promote you to thousands of registered buyers, on multiple online platforms and actively approach potential buyers where you are happy for us to do so.
We actively promote your business using paid online advertising through google, social and through our trusted partner business listing sites whilst optimising the listing for retargeting adverts and to put your business in front of the right audience.
We do a lot of work with potential purchasers upfront to ensure their purchase aspirations align with the sellers, checking their intent so not to waste valuable time and always put potential deal structures forward.
We can assist potential purchasers with funding options through our funding partners, which can open up greater purchasing power for them and enable a purchase to happen.
One of the biggest stages is Heads of Terms. This is the document that we produce once the initial deal has been agreed. We detail all the specifics about the deal and how the deal will be structured, we then pass this onto the solicitors being used for the transaction.
Choosing a competent and experienced solicitor is key. Making sure you have someone who takes a balanced approach and advises you of the pitfalls and risks, and ensures you are protected from these as part of your sale. We have a panel of recommended solicitors we can put you in touch with to help you with your sale, who differ in industry experience, making sure you have the right experience on your side.
The sale agreement can be very lengthy and will detail all the information you have provided about the business and all the due diligence that the solicitors will run through with you to make sure your sale is protected. The details of the deal may sometimes change if something comes out of the woodwork, which is perfectly normal and we are always on hand for our sellers to give help, advice and lend our experience to help you through the transaction to completion.